Il Giorno | The challenge of green hydrogen. De Nora, here the hub of the future | December 24
( pdf 390 kb )
Il Sole 24 Ore | Italian GigaFactory, a starting point | December 17
( pdf 100 kb )
Affari&Finanza | De Nora displaces the bears who, however, do not give up | November 28
( pdf 124 kb )
Il Sole 24 Ore | Hydrogen, applications for IPCEI funds from 28 November | October 15
( pdf 147 kb )
IPCEI Hydrogen: 700 million for Italian companies | October 14
ESG News | Interview to Paolo Dellachà | October 05
Il Sole 24 Ore | De Nora, innovation is the business driver. Challenge on hydrogen | September 25
( pdf 2 mb )
The Press | "I don't think green hydrogen is too expensive" | August 03
( pdf 792 kb )
Milano Finanza | EU, 1 bn for Italian hydrogen | July 20
( pdf 413 kb )
Il Sole 24 Ore | Green hydrogen, bet in the long run | July 20
( pdf 832 kb )
Affari&Finanza | De Nora's debut reopens way for IPO of investee tk nucera | July 04
( pdf 581 kb )
Milano Finanza | De Nora on the stock market tomorrow at 13.5 euros per share | June 29
( pdf 286 kb )
Il Sole 24 Ore | De Nora, debut tomorrow: starting value 2.7 billion | June 29
( pdf 440 kb )
L'Economia | And in Milan De Nora challenges the wind, worth three billion | June 27
( pdf 241 kb )
Il Sole 24 Ore | De Nora goes ahead: orders already covered | June 24
( pdf 387 kb )
Il Sole 24 Ore | De Nora's green hydrogen is aiming straight for Piazza Affari | June 21
( pdf 598 kb )
Financial Times | Italy's De Nora sticks with IPO plan as hydrogen rush trumps trading volatility | June 14
( pdf 183 kb )
Affari&Finanza | One hundred years of De Nora to make it to the stock exchange | June 06
( pdf 448 kb )
Milano Finanza | A question of Chemistry | April 23
( pdf 589 kb )
Milano Finanza | De Nora, offer over a billion | April 21
( pdf 345 kb )
L'Economia | De Nora ahead on the stock exchange | February 28
( pdf 845 kb )