Shareholding and changes in share capital

Industrie De Nora is listed on Euronext Milan since June 30th , 2022

Industrie De Nora S.p.A. share capital amounts to euro 18,268,203.90 represented by 201,685,174 shares without indication of nominal value.

  # shares
Total of which: 201,685,174
Ordinary shares 51,203,979
Multiple vote shares 1 150,481,195

1. Owned by the shareholders Federico De Nora, Federico De Nora SpA, Norfin SpA and Asset Company 10 Srl. Multiple-vote shares are not admitted to trading on Euronext Milan and are not counted in the free float and market capitalization value. Multiple voting shares give 3 votes at the shareholders' meeting.

Shareholder composition

*100% of Asset Company 10 S.r.l. shares (21.6%) are owned by Snam

Relevant participations


(owning more than 5% of Industrie De Nora shares, on the basis of the information available and communications received pursuant to Art. 120 of the Testo Unico della Finanza).

Updated January 8, 2025.


  % voting rights # shares
Federico De Nora S.p.A. 53.13%

of which 88,847,684 multiple vote shares
of which 499,843 ordinary shares

Norfin S.p.A. 6.88%

of which 11,474,617 multiple vote shares
of which 167,646 ordinary shares

Asset Company 10 S.r.l. 25.99%

multiple vote shares


Shareholders & voting rights


  # shares % % voting rights
Federico De Nora S.p.A. (multiple vote shares) 88,847,684 44.05% 53.03%
Federico De Nora S.p.A. (ordinary shares) 499,843 0.25% 0.10%
Norfin S.p.A. (multiple vote shares) 11,474,617 5.69% 6.85%
Norfin S.p.A. (ordinary shares) 167,646 0.08% 0.03%
Federico De Nora (multiple vote shares) 6,619,560 3.28% 3.95%
De Nora Family 107,609,350 53.4% 63.96%
Asset Company 10 S.r.l. (multiple vote shares) 43,539,334 21.59% 25.99%
Asset Company 10 S.r.l. (ordinary shares) 0 0.00% 0.00%
Asset Company 10 S.r.l. 43,539,334 21.59% 25.99%
Management (ordinary shares) 2 2,963,808 1.47% 0.59%
Treasury shares 2 2,986,240 1.48% 0.59% - suspended
Other institutional and retail investors  44,586,442 22.11% 8.87%
TOTAL 201,685,174 100,00% 100,00%

2.  Date at 30 Sept 2024