Capital Controls®
Capital Controls® includes three lines of world-class disinfection technologies - chlorination, chlorine dioxide and ozone generation - that together bring more than a century of application knowledge and customer understanding.
Capital Controls® includes three lines of world-class disinfection technologies - chlorination, chlorine dioxide and ozone generation - that together bring more than a century of application knowledge and customer understanding.
CECHLO™ Electrochlorination system widely used for industrial and municipal applications, Covering production of Cl2, NaOH, and 0.2% to 12.5% sodium hypochlorite, etc with wide range.
For safe, reliable water treatment with a guaranteed 0.8% solution of sodium hypochlorite, ClorTec® on-site sodium hypochlorite generators are designed for high efficiency, low lifecycle cost, durability and reliability.
DE NORA TETRA® is the choice for rugged and reliable media filtration systems. We have extensive reach with >1300 DE NORA TETRA® biological and tertiary wastewater filters worldwide; including some of the largest deep bed denitrification filters, and our LP Block is used at the largest desalination plants in the world.
Under the DSA® trademark, we offer a broad range of products consisting in metallic anodes and cathodes coated with catalytic mixed-oxide solutions.
ELGARD® MMO Anodes are the ideal solution for Cathodic Protection of Steel-Reinforced Concrete.
The original mixed metal oxide anodes for cathodic protection, an innovative alternative to traditional cathodic protection anodes for corrosion prevention. Since 1990 more than 3000 of LIDA® anodes have been installed in 30 countries.
cathodic protection system for offshore platforms and structures.
Designed with the experience and history gained through decades of chlorine management and analysis, the MicroChem is offered in two different configurations.
For advanced water treatment needs, MIOX® on-site generators produce Mixed Oxidant solution and are optimized for challenging applications.
Noble metal based cathode coatings are prepared via a thermal decomposition process, taking advantage of vast experience built on anodes development, industrialization, and manufacturing.
OMNIPURE™ apparatus includes three lines of field-proven electrolytic offshore wastewater treatment designs – MC/MXMP and Series 64G2 - that carries a legacy of more than four decades of advanced electrolytic treatment to the market
SANILEC TRP seawater electrochlorination (SWEC) system is the efficient, safe, low-maintenance technology for marine biofouling prevention in offshore oil & gas, offshore wind power generation, and coastal power applications.
SEACLOR® systems provide incomparable biofouling control in power plants, cooling towers, liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and desalination facilities, as well as coastal installations using seawater for cooling or other process needs all over the world
With over two decades of demonstrated effectiveness, SORB adsorption and contaminant removal systems help solve environmental, regulatory, and public health water treatment challenges and are best available technology (BAT) for many contaminants of concern.