Paola Bonandrini

Non-executive Director

Born in the province of Bergamo in 1974, Paola Bonandrini took her degree in structural engineering in 1998 at the Università degli Studi di Pavia and one year later, she earned a master’s degree in Management and Economics of Energy and Environment (Master MEDEA) at the Scuola Superiore Enrico Mattei.
Just after, she joined Snam, covering several roles in the Innovation Department, studying pipeline reliability models, structural risk analysis, materials, and technologies. After, she worked in Operations in different roles (engineering and construction, operation and maintenance) and in different geographical areas.
In 2008, she became the first woman in Snam history to manage a gas transport District, with the responsibility for the operation of the gas transport network in the South East of Italy.
After the acquisition of the distribution and storage companies Italgas and Stogit, in 2010, she took part in the integration project at the group level, and she was appointed Head of Health, Safety, Environment, and Quality and Head of Property and Facility Management, in charge of the optimization and efficiency of the Snam group real estate.
In 2014 she left Snam to join Tigf (now Teréga), the French gas storage and transport company operating in the South of France, as Deputy Managing Director. She run the reorganization of the operational activities (engineering and construction, operation and maintenance, control rooms and dispatching center, metering, technical support, and innovation), contributing to the repositioning of the company in the French context as an independent operator, prepared for the energy transition challenges. During this period, she was also a member of the Transport Technical Committee of IGU (International Gas Union).
She came back to Snam in October 2014, when she was appointed Senior Vice President in charge of the operation and maintenance of all the gas storage plants (9 Seveso plants) and compression stations (13 plants) of Snam in Italy.
Since April 2019 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of Teréga sa and Terega sas.
Since January 2022, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of Scogat e Mariconsult and, from 2023, of the Board of Sergaz.