Elisabetta Oliveri

Independent non-executive Director

Born in Varazze (SV) on October 25, 1963, in 1987, she graduated with honors in Electronic Engineering from the State University of Genoa. From 1988 to 1991, she works as an SW designer, first at Digital Equipment Co. and later at Automa SpA. In 1991 he joined Marconi SpA, where he became Head of "IP, Voice and Data Networks Test Dept." and later Senior Vice President of Strategy. In 2001 she joined the Sirti Group as Director of Strategy and Business Development. In 2003 she was appointed General Manager, and in 2008 she became CEO of Gruppo Sirti. In 2011 she joined Gruppo Fabbri Vignola SpA, where she was the first General Manager and, from 2012 to 2019, Managing Director.

In 2019 she was appointed Chairman of Sagat SpA after serving as its independent Director for three years.

In May 2022, she was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Autostrade per l'Italia SpA.

Since 2010, she has been an independent non-executive director of major Italian and foreign companies. From 2011 to 2014, she was a board member of ATM - Azienda Trasporti Milanesi SpA. From 2010 to 2019: Board member of Snam SpA, of which she was, in different mandates, Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee and Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. From 2012 to 2019, she was a Board Member of GEDI SpA, also serving as Lead Independent Director, Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee, and member of the Related Party Transactions Committee. From 2012 to 2016, she was a Board Member of Eutelsat S.A. and a member of the Audit Committee. From 2014 to 2018, she was a Board Member of Banca Farmafactoring SpA, taking part in the listing process, Chairman of the Compensation Committee, and member of the Related Parties Committee. From 2019 to 2022, she was a Board Member of Fincantieri SpA, Chairman of the Sustainability Committee, and member of the Compensation Committee. As of the Prospectus Date, she holds the following positions as an independent non-executive director:

  • ERG SpA: Director, Lead Independent Director, member of the Strategy Committee, the Nominations and Remuneration Committee and the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee.
  • Trevi Finanziaria Industriale SpA: Director, member of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee and the Control and Risk Committee.
  • CIR SpA: Director, member of the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee.

She is also Chairman of the Furio Solinas Onlus Foundation, a nonprofit charitable organization established in memory of her husband, who died prematurely. She is a Knight of Merit of the Italian Republic. In 2016, Federmanager - Aldai awarded her the "Merit and Talent" prize.

In 2025 Elisabetta was awarded the prestigious “Minerva Anna Maria Mammoliti Prize” for management.