
De Nora invites you to join us for live and on-demand webinars to help keep you updated on the latest developments in water treatment. With subjects ranging from overviews of available technologies for different applications, in depth views on specific technologies, updates on regulatory standards and suggestions on what to look for when you're evaluating solutions, we have applied nearly 100 years of operation into bite sized presentations for your benefit.

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Webinar PFAS: forever chemicals ? Not anymore.

De Nora has been a pioneer in the treatment of drinking water for over 60 years. Today we provide solutions for the removal of PFAS and PFOA "forever chemicals", including single-use and regenerable Ion Exchange (IX), granular activated carbon (GAC) and piloting eAOP electrochlorination advanced oxidation processes.

Join us for a webinar to learn about ways to work with your water treatment equipment supplier to ensure continuity and effective operation of your assets.

To watch the webinar, register here

What’s up with 1,4-dioxane?

What’s up with 1,4-dioxane?

See how working with a trusted partner who can optimize technologies and process flow can help municipalities achieve the best results at the lowest cost. One of a limited number of partners with two principal technologies addressing 1,4-dioxane, De Nora delivers experienced contaminant removal using ultraviolet advanced oxidation process (UV AOP), UV + hydrogen peroxide oxidation process (UV H2O2 or UV peroxide), ozone advanced oxidation process (ozone AOP), and chlorine advanced oxidation process.  

Watch the Webinar
Webinar: Tackling CECs: Experience + Technology for the Win

Webinar: Tackling CECs: Experience + Technology for the Win

Multi-barrier Treatment Approaches to CECs

Today’s water treatment plants are faced with unprecedented treatment challenges as the modern chemistry that has been providing the comforts and conveniences we love – from cookware coatings to beautifying cosmetics to lawn enhancers - catches up with us. PFAS “forever chemicals” are making headlines. Pharmaceutical micropollutants and common pesticides are showing up in drinking water. The world is watching as regulations are enacted to mitigate the known – and unknown – consequences of contaminants of emerging concern (CEC). These complex contaminants demand a multi-barrier approach, scientific research, proven technologies, and application expertise if we hope to successfully tackle the effects of CEC.

Click here to watch the webinar.

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Webinar: Contaminant Removal from Water

With groundwater and surface water sources increasingly challenged by population growth, climate change, and stormwater and industrial runoff, ensuring public access to safe drinking water is driving new innovations in treatment technologies. More stringent drinking water regulations address issues that didn't exist even one generation ago, including nutrient pollution, micropollutants, and contaminants of emerging concern.  

In the original series of three webinars, we reviewed the pressing problems of emerging contaminants and explore and compare available mitigation and prevention technologies to help inform your decisions.

Now we are adding a new webinar on traditional and advanced Ozone treatment applications. We will be covering traditional water and wastewater applications, as well contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and water reuse using Ozone. For more information, click the link or watch the original series using the links below

For the previous webinars, watch using the links below

Webinar: Saving the Chesapeake

Webinar: Saving the Chesapeake

DE NORA TETRA filters help Arlington, VA meet nutrient regulations

Watch a discussion on nutrient removal – why it’s becoming such a necessity and how it’s being addressed. We’ll meet Kacey King-McRae, Operations Specialist at Water Pollution Control Bureau (WPCB) in Arlington, Virginia. The treatment plant, just outside DC, discharges to the Potomac River and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. In 2010, when they underwent a $526 million upgrade, they stayed a step ahead of anticipated regulations by adding 17 new denitrification filters. Ten years later, Kacey talks live with De Nora’s Stan Shmia about WPCB’s experience with the nutrient removal process and their DE NORA TETRA® Denite® denitrification systems, which continue to provide effective, reliable biological nutrient removal

Click here to watch the webinar.

Webinar Series: Heavy Industrial / Metals / Mining (NEW WEBINAR ADDED)

Webinar Series: Heavy Industrial / Metals / Mining (NEW WEBINAR ADDED)

Ozone for Industrial Water Treatment

Join Alex Bettinardi and Tony Sacco for our latest ozone webinar on industrial treatment applications. In this webinar, we’ll leverage decades of ozone generation experience, sharing case study examples and compelling data to illustrate how ozone water treatment is used in three primary industrial water treatment applications: Intake water/process water, wastewater polishing/treatment, and sludge reduction.

We'll also cover treatability studies and piloting - what you need to know and best practice, so you can be sure your ozone system is designed perfectly for your application.

Click here to watch the webinar.

Better Water, Better Steel

Water is critical for the production of steel and is used across multiple stages of the process. In the first of our heavy industrial webinars, we explore how water is used and why it is important to maintain a high volume of good quality and how you can do this.

Click this link to watch the webinar

Navigating Marine Biofouling Challenges

Navigating Marine Biofouling Challenges

Watch this webinar to learn how to work with a trusted partner with nearly 100-year experience in electrochemistry to help power plants, Oil & Gas facilities and other coastal installations to address marine biofouling challenges by seawater electrochlorination systems to achieve best results with lower cost.

watch the webinar
NEW Webinar Addition: Innovative solutions for offshore oil and gas

NEW Webinar Addition: Innovative solutions for offshore oil and gas

  • Innovative solutions for offshore oil and gas on 28 April, where we will review options and best practice for marine sewage treatment and biofouling control, while revealing a new innovation that eliminates the need for acid washing while offering huge safety and operational benefits.

Or watch one of our other webinars on marine sewage treatment for offshore oil and gas applications below.

Electrolytic wastewater treatment systems in the Marine and Offshore space have been misunderstood by many in recent years, despite having been installed on rigs and vessels globally for decades. These types of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) take advantage of several key treatment processes to quickly and effectively disinfect the raw wastewater stream while offering smaller footprint, true on/off operation, and direct insitu destruction of organics in wastewater. 

Webinar Series: Commercial and Institutional Series

Webinar Series: Commercial and Institutional Series

Legionella Control in Cooling Water Treatment Applications

De Nora launches our next series of webinars for commercial and institutional organizations. The first webinar, on Legionella Control in Cooling Water Treatment Applications, covered the impact of biofouling and how you can successfully manage this to meet your legal obligations around Legionella control, reducing your operating costs at the same time.

Watch the webinar here

World Water Day Roundtable Discussion

World Water Day Roundtable Discussion

One of the world’s most critical yet invisible water sources, groundwater, is facing the same obstacles as surface water, including contamination, improper management, and depletion. Watch this rousing and passionate discussion on how we can address these challenges… if there is, in fact, a challenge at all.

Watch the Roundtable